Michael Nash
I have a boutique firm and, by design, work hand in hand with a small number of clients as their "Trusted Advisor" to improve their organizational selling performance. I become an extension of their team, with a vested interest in their sustained success over the long term. This means you get "Michael Nash" training and coaching your team consistently which is important, but very different from other sales training or consulting firms who plug and play many people into your organization, some of whom have never walked in your shoes. Sales methodologies are important too, but, I have learned over the years, they must be dynamic and fit to the specific needs of your business to drive the best results. In other words, it is not one size fits all. With Sage Sales Consulting, you receive tailored training that maps to your specific needs, moves the needle in a material way and most importantly, I take ownership for your success.
All that being said, we don't know each other yet. My process and the way I teach your team is based on the principle "first seek to understand, then seek to be understood". Let's spend an hour in person or on the phone getting to know each other to see how we fit.
I am a 10 year old Bernese Mountain dog who has been with Michael my whole life. I sit by his side while he is working in his office and I keep the family safe while he is on the road training sales teams to evolve into next level "Trusted Advisors" for their clients.